Varian SpectrAA 220FS Comes with computerMODELSpectrAA 220FSBURNER-ATOMIZERChangeable, laminar, adjustable, optional N2O, premix universal atomizer with fully adjustable nebulizer, fully shielded flame with double-skin chimneyOTHER INFORMATION (STAINING POSTS)Windows-based software; multitasking; multielement; software choice of 11 QC tests or full EPA and userdefinable tests; optional software to assist with compliance with FDA 21 CFR Part 11; range of optional accessories, including saMple introduction pumpFORMAT (WAVELENGTH, nm)1 channel, double beam – for more information please see comments.1 channel, double beam, time-shared, rotating-beam combinerBACKGROUND CORRECT (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)Fast (2 msec) deuterium arc lamp to 2.3 absorbance units, 185-425 nm, electronic beam balance 2GAS REGULATORSHammer instantaneous programmable control; interlocks on power, gas, burner present, burner type, flame, spraychamber bung, flame shield, liquid trap; cutoff solenoids external to instrument case With automatic attenuation.IgnitionPush button, automatic flame offPOWER NEEDED100/120, 220/230/240Hz (OPERATING)50/60MONOCHROMATORCzerny-Turner with 1,200 lines/mm, holographic quartzovercoated grating, automatic wavelength & slit-size control 1Focal length, mm (DIMENSIONS (HXWXD), MAIN)250 Supports Fast Sequential operation, a mode that allows multiple elements to be measured in rapid sequence in 1 sample, improving productivity by up to 50%.WAVELENGTH RANGE, nm (UV RADIATION INTENSITY)185-900RESOLUTION, nm0.2, 0.5, 1; 0.5 reducedScattering,nm/mm3.2-2.4DETECTION LIMITS,ppbCa (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)0.4Cu (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)38749Fe (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)38783Li (TESTING RANGE, MMOL/L)0.9Mg (BASIC/TIME, min)0.3As (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)0.22Cu (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)0.15Ni (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)0.38Pb (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)0.1Se (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)0.23DISPLAYED INFORMATION (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)Video displayemission, absorption, peaks, concentration, bracketing standards, standard additions, direct absorbanceWorking curve (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)Blank and 10 standards, 8 algorithms Additional readouts include corrected signals andcalibration graphs.MemoryUnlimited methods, worksheets (includes labels, signal graphics), full export to LIS, spreadsheet 5Integration, sec (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)0.1-30 (1-20 replicates), PH, PA, PrOMT system, integrate repeat 6 Additional memory features include printer and OLE.Graphics (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)Color CRT (SVGA) PrOMT is a feature that allows the user to specify the precision required; the instrument measures the sample for the time required to achieve thatprecision.PRINTER (EXTERNAL BEAM)Optional laser or ink jet, any printer supported by WindowsMicrocomputer (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)Windows 98/ME/NT/ 2000/XPINTERFACE PROTOCOL (REPORT DISPLAY)PCI-IEEE standardDIMENSIONS (HXWXD) CM, (IN) (DISPLAY)59 x 79 x 58 (23.2 x 31 x 23)WEIGHT, kg (lb) (DISPLAY)56 (123)HOLLOW-CATHODE LAMPS (DETECTION LIMITS,ppb)4 lamps, automaticselect mirror, warmup capability, coded, noncoded; optional UltrAA (boosted) lampCE MARK (MDD) (Interference compensation)YesMARKETING REGION (Interference compensation)WorldwideYou may also be interested in the following Manufacturer Specifications:Thank you for looking at our items. You are always welcome to come by and inspect the item(s) before you bid. If you are local, we would always prefer you to come and pick up your won items.We are located atCAL-L ENTERPRISES9751 Independence Ave,Chatsworth, CA 91311TEL: 323-394-7124FAX: 818-668-5064HOURS: Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pmWe are more than happy to meet with you, just give us a call to set up a time.Shipping costs ARE AN ESTIMATE ONLY!!DisclaimerInformation on this page may be partial or incomplete and may contain mistakes or inaccurate information.MedWOW disclaims any obligation, responsibility or liability which concerns or relates to any information on this page.