
Waters ACQUITY UPLC Binary Solvent Manager UHPLCACQUITY H-Class Quaternary Solvent Manager; ACQUITY UPLC I2V Binary Solvent Manager; ACQUITY UPLC Binary Solvent Manager; nanoACQUITY UPLC Binary Solvent Manager/Auxiliary Solvent ManagerThank you for looking at our items. You are always welcome to come by and inspect the item(s) before you bid. If you are local, we would always prefer you to come and pick up your won items.We are located atCAL-L ENTERPRISES9751 Independence Ave,Chatsworth, CA 91311TEL: 323-394-7124FAX: 818-668-5064EMAIL: cal-l at att dot netWEBSITE: cal-l dot netHOURS: Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pmWe are more than happy to meet with you, just give us a call to set up a time.Shipping costs ARE AN ESTIMATE ONLY!!